
Thoughts, stories and ideas.

OTP are becoming a security requirement nowadays. There are an essential part of our usage flow. We want to perform a sensitive action, we need to verify and confirm it with a security code.

28th October 2018 · 13 minutes · ios
Here comes that time where masks are dusted off and brought out of the cupboard within which they have lain dormant for the past years. Isn't it the best period to talk about bit masks? 👺
Most decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly on our modern computer. While, most of the time, this is not an issue, floating point roundoff errors might quickly arise and cause numerous problems.
09th July 2018 · 8 minutes · ios macos
While browsing the headers of the new Xcode 10 beta 2, I noticed a completely new framework in CoreText, confirming the upcoming support of color fonts in Apple ecosystem.

Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) is a public-key cryptography system, very powerful but yet widely unknown, although being massively used for the past decade.